Square AM, SILVIP and Colonial distinguished at the MSCI Awards

Square AM, SILVIP and Colonial distinguished at the MSCI Awards

Management company Square AM was awarded in Portugal for its fund CA Património Crescente, in the category that awards the best benchmark return within real estate as defined by MSCI based on the data compiled during the last three years until December 2018. SILVIP was the Portuguese company awarded in terms of specialised companies, with its Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário Sete Colinas (Sete Colinas Investment Fund).

From Spain, only REIT Inmobiliaria Colonial was awarded in the category «Specialist Fund», through a fund under the same name.

René Veerman, in charge of EMEA Analytics and in charge of real estate at MSCI commented in a release sent to IP concerning the awards that «in a world of persistently low interest rates and an increased need for diversification and risk mitigation, investors have turned to real estate for greater returns and now the asset class makes up increasingly large proportions of their portfolios».

Fund Patrizia PanEuropean Property Limited Partnership was awarded best performance by a pan-European fund and Fundo Eracle, managed by Generali Real Estate was, according to MSCI’s assessment, the European fund that best adjusted best returns to long-term risk management.

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