Terms Of Use

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In order to clarify any question related to these Terms and Conditions of Use of the Iberian Property website, the subscriber / registered user / non-registered user should contact IBERINMO, S.L. by mail to Eduardo Iglesias 8, portal 2, 5º, oficina 3ª, 36202 Vigo – Pontevedra, by email info@iberian.property or by phone 22 208 5009 (weekdays, 9:00am-1:00pm and 2:00pm – 6:00pm).

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Iberian Property is the best platform for investment in Spain & Portugal. Created for those who seek reliable information about players and deals happening in Iberia. Through updated database, reports, market indicators and daily news, we report “Who’s Who” in Iberian Real Estate!. Iberian Property is also proud to organize the most important international real estate investors’ meeting in Iberia - Portugal Real Estate Summit!