Spain will increase the extension in rental contracts to five years and regulate tourism housing

Spain will increase the extension in rental contracts to five years and regulate tourism housing


This has been announced by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, during his speech before the Plenary Session of the Congress. Sanchez has assured that his Government "will adjust the definition of seasonal leases to exclude the tourist housing from the Residential Tenancies Act".

The President of the Government has called for "rescuing an authentic housing policy at the service of citizenship, mainly in terms of rents", and for this reason has announced that his Government will "reorient the State Housing Plan 2018-2021 towards public house and rent." In this sense, it has also committed to promote a space of 20,000 public houses in the next 4 years, which will be dedicated "indefinitely to rent" and that will be built "in municipalities with actual demand".

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