SIMA’s new edition reflects the growing diversity of the real estate sector

SIMA’s new edition reflects the growing diversity of the real estate sector


Eloy Bohúa, Planner Exhibitions’ CEO, advanced the novelties during an informative breakfast. SIMA2019 will take place between the 30th  of May and the 2nd of June and the professional program SIMAPRO will take place between the 29th and the 31st of May and it will include two new events: International Market Overview and Iberian Investment Hot Spots

«If until the start of the sector’s recovery most companies present at SIMA were developers and marketers, now they only represent two thirds of the whole» stated Bohúa. In his opinion, «the housing sector is gaining in maturity and gradually incorporating new areas of expertise needed to successfully face the challenges of the new growing cycle it has entered. The growing diversity in the exhibitors present at the event is a consequence of this new reality».

SIMAPRO2019 incorporates in its program new events in order to keep developing tools which will allow a better knowledge of the current and future trends in real estate. «Since its birth,   SIMAPRO has been at the forefront of this sector, identifying and anticipating its structural changes. This is what lead us in 2018 to program SIMAtech and the International Second Home Summit and what challenged us to do the same in this edition with the International Market Overview and the Iberian Investment Hot Spots», pointed out Bohúa.

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