Sandra Daza receives ASPRIMA-SIMA’s award

Sandra Daza receives ASPRIMA-SIMA’s award


Along with Sandra Daza, Ignacio de la Torre, economist and partner at Arcano, was awarded the “Profesional destacado del año” award, an award which seeks to recognize the professional’s work in real estate throughout last year.

The “Mejorando la imagen del sector inmobiliario” (Improving real estate’s image) award was given to the organisation WIRES (Women in Real estate Spain).

On the coming 30th of May, the Salón Inmobiliario Internacional de Madrid (SIMA) venue will be converted into a set to celebrate the XVIth edition of the ASPRIMA-SIMA awards which seek to publicly recognise the best initiatives in the real estate market.

This year, the event received 71 applications and 50 companies.


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