Meridia purchased an office building from Zurich located at 22@

Meridia purchased an office building from Zurich located at 22@

The building will be subject to a deep refurbishment so as to return it to the market within one of the most in demand areas in Barcelona. The whole operation is estimated at more than 20 million euro.

Part of project Swiss, Meridia acquired from insurer Zurich, a 4.300 sqm building for 10.35 million euro. The management company presided by Javier Faus will allocate around 3.5 million euro to refurbish the building which has, up until now, hosted several dependencies from the Generalitat de Cataluña.

Once the refurbishment is finished, Meridia will have a modern building at the entrance of 22@, prepared to receive the headquarters of some international companies interested in landing on Barcelona’s digital ecosystem. The building’s value can thus skyrocket beyond 20 million. «It is a small operation, but it will bring juicy perks to Meridia», assured an office segment professional.

Meridia experience in developing office projects at 22@

The management company is now developing consultant Everis’ corporate headquarters, a 25.000 sqm complex, to be delivered key-in-hand, which will start receiving Everis’ 2.900 professionals by the end of the year. Next to the building, within Nova Icaria avenue, the company will build a smaller 7.000 sqm building. The company is also developing, with Fulvi, a 24.600 sqm building in calle Pere IV.

Also using fund Meridia IV, the management company has allocated, during the last few weeks, 50 million euro for the acquisition of two logistic warehouses: one in Gelida, with 23.000 sqm and the other in Barberà del Vallès, with 20.000 sqm. As with the office building at 22@, these are prime assets in need of important capex. Once refurbished, the buildings will be valued slightly above the acquisition price plus refurbishment.

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