Last updated: April 5, 2024, 10:59 a.m.
Data Released by Tinsa

Tinsa is one of the largest appraisers in the world and number one in Europe and Latin America, where it is a leader in valuation for multiple purposes and real estate advice.  Tinsa has been certified by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) since 2011 to conduct assessments under the international standard IVS.   In December 2016, Tinsa became the only Spanish company to be a member of the European AVM Alliance, the group of European companies that promotes the realisation of automatic valuations (AVM) with the highest standards of quality and reliability. It also provides benchmark valuations in expert evidence, and in technical and energy consulting. The company began its international expansion in 1999 and now Tinsa Group operates in more than 25 countries, with offices in Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, Morocco, Mexico, Peru, Portugal and Spain.

Player Type
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Ignacio Martos

Ignacio Martos

President and CEO

Jose Antonio Hernández

Jose Antonio Hernández

Managing Director

Juan Guerra

Juan Guerra

Chief Financial Officer

Ramón Mateos

Ramón Mateos

Chief Investment Officer (CIO)

Antonio Romero

Antonio Romero

Chief Data Officer (CDO)

Enrique Gutiérrez

Enrique Gutiérrez

Banks Director

Pedro Soria

Pedro Soria

Chief Commercial Officer

José Morgado

José Morgado

General manager of PVW Tinsa


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