
Ten Brinke wants to invest €150M in senior residences

Ten Brinke wants to invest €150M in senior residences

Ten Brinke is preparing to invest around €150 million in the coming years to develop new senior residences in several cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, San Sebastián, Pamplona, Bilbao, Oviedo, Gijón, Zaragoza and Burgos. And it has just launched its new operator Stay Long at Home, which will manage and operate these residences across Europe.

The information was given by the company's manager in Spain, Jörg Tiggemann, to EjePrime, explaining that «the senior residences are currently the most interesting section of the living segment for us». The residences the company proposes to create «are not residences for the elderly, nor are they like student residences, they are residences for older people and, of course, residences where they can have a good time».

Ten Brinke remains active in Spain with the development of Build to rent projects, which total up to 600 dwellings at this time, at various stages of development, namely in Madrid and Alicante.

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