Roberto Knop joins JLL in charge of Valuations

 Roberto Knop joins JLL in charge of Valuations

With these new responsibilities, Knop will lead a key area in JLL, dedicated to the valuation of real estate in any section, either for finances and balances, transactions, mergers and acquisitions or the optimisation of assets and portfolios, among other responsibilities. JLL aims, also, to strengthen consulting activity in the valuation of financial assets as an additional service for the banking and funding industry sectors.

Roberto Knop has wide financial experience. Before joining JLL, he had led the Risk sector of Sareb from 2012, and prior to this his professional career developed in the world of banking, with positions of high responsibility in the risk area in firms such as Banesto, Barclays and Banco Santander.

With a degree in Economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, he completed his training with a master banker in the same centre, followed by various courses in Finance over the years.

In Knop’s own words, this new stage in his career “is both a challenge and a kind of dream for me, as I am becoming part of a great company, which is growing and is a strong bet to become the ‘go to’ source of reference within the financial area of the real estate industry. I trust that my previous experience in this field will enable me to contribute the maximum to the business.

For his part, Enrique Losantos, CEO of JLL España, expressed his satisfaction at the arrival of Knop, whom he describes as “a professional with wide experience in the financial markets, fully recognised by the main players in the industry. JLL aims to employ the very best professionals and I have no doubt that Robert will help us move one more step forward in the Valuations area and in the growth of the company as a whole”.

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