Lar España plans to invest €400M in retail

Lar España plans to invest €400M in retail

The information is reported this Monday on newspaper Cinco Días’ print edition, which also mentions that the REIT will be looking for new investment opportunities in Andalusian and Northern cities with at least 250.000 inhabitants and with attractive per capita rents. Nevertheless, according to the same newspaper, the cities within the Costa del Sol will remain outside the company’s scope.

Small and complementary assets such as leisure areas and shopping centres are under the company’s radar as well as its projects like Lagoh de Sevilla shopping centre which should open its doors during the coming month of September. The shopping centres in operations are on the company’s radar too, according to the same newspaper.

Lar España closed the first semester with 1.462 million euro in assets, whose yield is around 5.8%. The retail assets represent around 72% of the total Gross Asset Value.

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