Iberia will be under the spotlight this Friday during the Real.X Global

Iberia will be under the spotlight this Friday during the Real.X Global

The session “Market Snapshot: Investing in Iberia” will start at 9h00 (CET Times) and will have a diverse panel of speakers amongst which Eduardo Ceballos, president of AECC – Spanish Association of Shopping Centres; Roger Cooke, RICS Spain and president of Iberian Property’s editorial board; Manuel Puerta da Costa, member of APFIPP and António Gil Machado director at Iberian Property, the organiser of this debate.

Real.X Global conference is the latest initiative from Real Asset Media, which intends to place investment in Europe as the main subject of debate during the 17th and 18th of September. In a release, the organisation explained that this event aims to «help the recovery after the Summer by promoting dialogue between the real estate sector’s players» so that it is possible to «boost business and investment».

Following the same goal of aiding the real estate recovery, Real Asset Media should hold a second conference after the winter break, in January, opening the 2021 market.

«REAL.X will have zero carbon and zero waste not limited to time zones and it might promote contact with opportunities all over the world», stated Richard Betts, editor at Real Asset Media Group.

Thorsten Herbert, managing partner at Real Asset Media, remarked that this conference «will offer a precious opportunity to do business during this difficult period and assure all participants by removing all and any potential risk to their health».

Find out more about this event HERE.

Register for free for this event HERE.

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