Last updated: April 3, 2024, noon
Data collected from Azora | Financial data from 2020 except EBITDA & Net earnings that are from December 2019

Azora is one of the largest independent investment managers in Southern Europe specializing on real assets. Founded in 2003, Azora currently has a team of c. 300 multidisciplinary professionals, with c. €7.8Bn of equity raised since inception. In Azora, all investments are carried out under the highest criteria of profitability, integrity, transparency, and sustainability. A way of doing which allows us to innovate and go beyond. We model the opportunities we find, creating value and obtaining optimal results. In Azora we manage the complete investment cycle, from acquisition, restructuring, management, repositioning and eventually the sale of the assets. Azora is pioneer in identifying new investment opportunities in untapped markets, while obtaining value from complex situations though a low risk profile with high cash generation and a long-term investment approach. Azora specialises in different asset classes; residential, hotels, offices, data centers, senior homes and renewable energy and is present in Spain, Europe and USA. 





Player Type
Assets Managers
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Fernando Gumuzio

Fernando Gumuzio

Founding Partner and Member of the Board

Concha Osácar

Concha Osácar

Founding Partner and Member of the Board

Cristina García-Peri

Cristina García-Peri


Javier Rodríguez Heredia

Javier Rodríguez Heredia



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