Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Green Oak Real Estate | Financial info from 2017

GreenOak is a partner-owned, real estate investment management and advisory firm, founded in 2010. We operate a highly focused, global investment platform, pursuing independent, discrete strategies in the United States, Europe and Asia. Our senior team members have a long history of working together, creating an experienced and stable foundation for our platform. Throughout the firm, we emphasize cohesive collaboration across all levels and geographies to best serve our clients. Our primary focus is on making disciplined investments in markets where our deeply entrenched teams have 25 years of experience and using our in-house asset management expertise to create value for our clients.


Player Type
Assets Managers
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
John Carrafiell

John Carrafiell

Sonny Kalsi

Sonny Kalsi

Fred Schmidt

Fred Schmidt

Lori Biancamano

Lori Biancamano

Jim Blakemore

Jim Blakemore

Jonathan Epstein

Jonathan Epstein

Dan Klebes

Dan Klebes

Marcus Merner

Marcus Merner

Chris Niehaus

Chris Niehaus

Francesco Ostuni

Francesco Ostuni

Toby Phelps

Toby Phelps

Kevin Robinson

Kevin Robinson

Julie Wong

Julie Wong

Andrew Yoon

Andrew Yoon

Mark Van Zandt

Mark Van Zandt


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