Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from FREO Group

Established in 1996, FREO Group is an independent international investor, developer and manager of high quality real estate. From 13 offices in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Switzerland, Luxembourg and the USA, FREO has worked on more than 50 projects totalling in excess of 2 million square metres.

FREO offers a complete real estate lifecycle asset management service tailored to the needs of our partners and clients including asset selection, prudent capital structuring, identification of value creation opportunities through proactive management or repositioning and ultimately opportunistic disposal. We only target real estate investments that offer intrinsic value for our partners with the goal of delivering sustainable cash flows and long-term capital enhancement. We only operate in markets we know well and typically adopt an entrepreneurial yet rigorous approach using our local networks to source opportunities where we possess competitive advantages, often via off-market bilateral connections or limited marketing processes.

Player Type
Assets Managers
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Matthias Luecker

Matthias Luecker

Brian Borg

Brian Borg

Sven Andersen

Sven Andersen


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