Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Eurofund Group

The world of retail is going through a period of enormous transformation and structural change, mainly thanks to e-commerce and changes in consumer behaviour.  Out of this upheaval some terrific opportunities emerge not only online, but also for bricks and mortar, and most importantly in customer experience.  Our unique relationship with retailers gives us privileged insight into their future plans to address and embrace change

Our focus at Eurofund is to keep pace with the endless changes the digital economy presents, embracing the opportunities e-commerce brings for bricks and mortar, and importantly to enhance customer experience with a level of emotional engagement that on-line cannot.

Our four responses to this new market are: Shopping centers, Scheme transformations, Logistics and Co-living.

Eurofund manages €3.5bn of retail assets either open or under development.

Player Type
Assets Managers
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Ian Sandford

Ian Sandford


Salvador Arenere

Salvador Arenere

Group Director

Nick Hodson

Nick Hodson

Group Director

Ion Saralegui

Ion Saralegui

ECP Managing Director

Maria Luisa María

Maria Luisa María

Chief Financial Officer


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