
Investors anticipate economic stability for Portugal in the next 6 months

Investors anticipate economic stability for Portugal in the next 6 months

The event featured 420 representatives from the Portuguese and foreign real estate industry, including investors from Portugal and Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Brazil, the United States of America, among others. The event’s main goal was to identify investment opportunities in Portugal, and in a wider perspective in Iberia, with a focus on the real estate segments.

Iberian Property estimates that real estate investment in Portugal has reached, in the first eight months of the year, 725 million euros, of which 78% (565 million euros) concern to deals undertook by international investors.

When asked about their expectations for the economic climate in Portugal over the next six months, more than half of investors (56%) expect the economic climate to remain unchanged, while only 15% point to an improvement in the economic scenario. These were only a few of the conclusions drawn from the interactive surveys carried out in real time during the event.


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