
Iberian Investment Briefing returns on the 28th of June

Iberian Investment Briefing returns on the 28th of June

The property investment community will meet again in London on the 28th of June. Organised by Iberian Property and Real Asset Media, the Iberian Investment Briefing will focus on discussing and sharing the latest research, strategies and local market insights for Spain and Portugal.

The Iberian Investment Briefing, which will take place at the Nuveen Head Office, will also focus on new opportunities as we move beyond the pandemic and into the uncertainty of a protracted conflict in Europe. The conference will be opened by Richard Betts, Director of Real Asset Media, and António Gil Machado, Director of Iberian Property, at 09h00.

The first presentation of the conference will be entitled "The Iberian Economy & Master Planning Investment Opportunities", addressed by Miguel Ferré, Chairman of Editorial Council of Iberian Property, and Luis Roca de Togores, President of the Valdecarros Community Council. The second presentation, with the theme "Research Presentation: Spain & Portugal - the macro & real estate economic outlook", will be presented by CBRE, represented by Carlos García Redondo & Nuno Nunes.

The first panel will address the topics presented in the previous presentations. It will count with the participation of Carlos García Redondo, Senior Director Investment Properties I&L at CBRE Spain, Nuno Nunes, Head of Capital Markets at CBRE Portugal, Siena Golan, Real Estate Research Analyst at DWS.

After the round table discussion, the "Networking Coffee Break" will take place, followed by the session "The opportunities to Invest in Iberia!", where several professionals will draw a detailed picture of where to invest in Spain and Portugal. Patrícia Pinto, Director of Investor Relations at Sonae Sierra (presence to be confirmed), Javier Martin, Senior Portfolio Manager at Nuveen Iberia, and Pedro Coelho, Vice Chairman of the Board at Square Asset Management, will share their insights on the Iberian market.

Learn more about the event and register now!

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