Vivenio increases capital in €163M

Vivenio increases capital in €163M


The release the company sent to Mercado Alternativo Bursátil also reveals that all the 141.56 million shares were acquired during the preemptive subscription period which finished on the 3rd of May.

That was the reason why, «there were no new shares being subscribed as a result of the capital increase during the additional subscription period (which finished on the 10th of May 2019), nor during the discretionary subscription period (which finished on the 13th of May 2019)», it can be read in the same document.

With this operation, the Spanish REIT gains a new boost to carry out its investment plan on new buildings. According to Spanish newspaper Eje Prime, during the next five years Vivenio intends to reach 1.500 million euro in terms of investment volume. Madrid and Barcelona are the company’s main focus. ​

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