The price of new housing will rise by 5.5%

The price of new housing will rise by 5.5%


He also foresees that the positive evolution of the market is supported by an increase in sales of 14.1% and an increase in the granting of mortgages of 9.4%.

In a meeting with the media to present the Real Estate Trends report, Fernández-Aceytuno has assured that the market will continue this year with the recovery that it has experienced since 2015, but considers that there is still a "relatively long path" to reach to the total stability of the sector.

Looking to the end of 2017, the CEO of the Appraisal Society says that "this year we will exceed half a million housing transactions and the mortgage concession will be above 300,000." In this sense, he pointed out that "prudence has been settled in the mortgage market" and it is good that "we are on the healthy side of the relationship between mortgages and real estate transactions; that is, less mortgages than transactions."

Regarding the uncertainties, Fernández-Aceytuno highlights the existence of elements that can weigh on the development of the sector, among them, the difficulty of transfer the economic recovery to the family economies, changes in taxation in rental housing, which can have an impact on the market of transactions. It has also highlighted the "serious problem" that involves the increase in the cost of construction due to the lack of skilled labor to build with the current quality standards required by the regulations and the market.

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