SIMApro will take place alongside SIMA 2017

SIMApro will take place alongside SIMA 2017

SIMApro, of which Iberian.Property is a media partner, will be celebrated on the 24 to the 26 May in the Centro de Convenciones Norte of the Feria of Madrid, alongside SIMA 2017.


The new area is not the only innovation in the SIMA professional programme in this 2017 edition. There will be an in depth updating as much in depth as in kind, with the introduction of new formats, streamlining the contents, and the in the choice of themes and focus, many of which will be considered for the first time in a forum dedicated to Spanish real estate.


For example, the case of the growing judicial process in urbanism will be discussed, along with the profile of the future house buyer, the impact on the sector of climatic change agreements, the effect of global phenomena in international investment flow, and an analysis of the reputation of the sector and the necessary ‘uniformity’ in corporate practice, among many other points of interest. These are all themes of growing importance on the sector agenda. There are other matters on the professional programme for this year which, without being so innovative as the previously mentioned, are r elated to them, such as the implementation of standards of transparency and the reduction of uncertainty in investment transactions, or the use of technologies which add value to real estate assets.


The sessions of SIMApro will also analyse current affairs, such as the growing dominance of investment funds in Spain’s residential market, the financial results achieved by the main socimis and the new stage opening up for these investment vehicles, as well as the profile and intensity to be seen in international investment in coming years.


In addition, the fair’s professional programme will not leave out the usual review of the main trends in each market segment (residential, holiday homes, tourist, offices, commercial, logistics, hotels etc.) In the case of residential, rentals will have a special place in these thematic sessions.


The Community of Madrid, due to its key position in the national context of the real estate sector, will also have a number of special highlights in the SIMApro programme.


Three days of activities

SIMApro will be held on the 24 to the 26 May and will have the following highlights: Real Estate Conference Madrid 2017 (24 May); Forum on the Spanish Real Estate Investment Inversión market (24- 25 May) and Inmonext (26 May)


The SIMApro programme finishes with the ‘Seminario de Inversión’ in Argentina, an event marking the initiative ‘Argentina País Invitado ‘(Argentina, Invited Country) SIMA 2017 of which the programme will be divided into the following four thematic blocks: general situation of the country, context of the real estate market, company experiences in international investment and large projects boosted by public initiative. 

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