Sales to buyers from abroad make up 18% of investment in the centre of Lisbon

Sales to buyers from abroad make up 18% of investment in the centre of Lisbon

The numbers were collected by Confidencial Imobiliário via SIR-RU, which also reveals that Europeans were responsible for 52% of the number of properties bought by foreigners, with those from Asia making up 34%. The African and American continents made up 6% of property transactions.

In an analysis by nationality, the French and the Chinese were the leading purchasers both in the volume of investment and in the number of properties, both with totals of more than 20% in these two aspects. Together, the two nationalities were responsible for 50% of the volume of investment by people from abroad (the Chinese, 29%  and the French 21%) and for  48% of properties (the Chinese, 25% and the French, 23%).

The Chinese investors spent on average 489,000 euros per property, preferring the districts out of the historic centre, an aggregate total of 63% in transactions by this nationality. In this context, the district of Arroios deserves mention, with 20% of the total. In addition, the parish of Misericórdia, in the historic centre, had 27% of properties purchased by the Chinese.

The French have invested on average 263,000 euros per property, preferring the historic centre, especially the districts of Misericórdia and São Vicente, with, respectively 23% e 20% of their purchases.

On looking at the map of the ARU, the districts of Misericórdia and Santa Maria Maior – both in the historic centre of Lisbon - and Santo António are those with the greatest number of properties purchased by people from abroad, with more than 100 transactions each. Also the districts of Arroios, Estrela, São Vicente and Avenidas Novas are dynamic, with the number of sales to foreigners each varying 65 and 88 properties. 

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