RE funds managed less €66.4M in January than they did in December

RE funds managed less €66.4M in January than they did in December

Portuguese real estate investment funds managed a total 10.769 million euro in January, 66.4 million euro less (0.6%) than in December.

In January, the amount invested in real estate investment funds (FII) dropped 0.7% to 7,946.9 million euro. In terms of special real estate investment funds (FEII), the amount dropped 0.2% to 2,404.3 million euro and for real estate management funds (FUNGEPI) it dropped 1.1% to 417.4 million euro.

According to CMVM’s numbers, in January all real estate investment originated from European Union countries. 47% of FII and FEII’s portfolio was invested in services’ assets and 46% of the FUNGEPI’s portfolio are retail assets.

It should also be noted that in January, the largest market shares belonged to Interfundos (12.2%), Square AM (11.2%) and Caixa Gestão de Ativos (9%).

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