Portugal Real Estate Summit takes place in Estoril

Portugal Real Estate Summit takes place in Estoril

An initiative by Iberian Property, Portugal Real Estate Summit is expecting around 300 participants, given the success of last year edition. It will be a special moment of meeting and sharing, between several players of the overall real estate investment, whom are increasingly turning their attentions to Portugal and Lisbon.

This event happens at a time when the dynamic among the national property investment market keeps increasing. For two intensive days of conference, the participants will be able to find out about the main trends and opportunities of this market, each day more visible in an Iberian context.

Portugal Real Estate Summit gathers a wide range of supports from the real estate industry. The confirmed sponsors are: Abreu Advogados, Aguirre Newman, CBRE, Cushman & Wakefield, Deloitte, JLL and the law firm Morais Leitão Galvão Teles and Soares da Silva, from Vilamoura, in addition to the Group SIL. As for institutional sponsors, the event will have ACAI, APAF, APFIPP, APPII, ASPRIMA, EPRA, RICS, Thomson Reuters and ULI.


Portugal Real Estate Summit disclose Where and How to Investin Portugal

The best investment opportunities and locations are presented tomorrow at Portugal Real Estate Summit, on the second day of the event, during the Parallel Discussions.

“Where & How to invest” is the subject of this sessions, which count with specialists from MLTGS Lawyers, Square AM, or HI Real Estate & Hercesa, focusing on the subject of investment vehicles in Portugal.

The investment tax will be discussed by Abreu Lawyers and Refundos. The subject "Banking REO & NPL – Portfolio & Single Asset Acquisition" will be addressed by Deloitte, Finsolutia CR Management.

The second part of parallel discussions will be carried out by the consultants Aguirre Newman, focusing on offices and logistics sector, or Cushman & Wakefield, Explorer and Vilamoura, focusing on tourism opportunities.

Other session will be dedicated to retail with the presence of JLL, Sonae Sierra and Fnac professionals. Urban regeneration lies with CBRE, Funsolutia and Pestana Hotel Group.


For more information about the event, please click here. 

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