Non residential real estate investments moved 8.5000 million until September

Non residential real estate investments moved 8.5000 million until September


This was the third highest quarter with a total of 3.800 million in investments registered between July and September, according to the report «Numbers on the tertiary sector in Spain» concerning the third quarter of 2018, made by Laborde Marcet.

By segments, retail took 34% of investments with 1.292 millon euro, above the office segment, which had 29% (1.102 millon euro). The hotel segment, represented 24% of the market (912 millon euro) and the logistic the remaining 13% (494 millon euro).

Thus, the total value for the real estate operations registered from January until September is already 30.7% higher than the first nine months of 2016, when investments totalled 6.500 million euro, but 11,5% lower than the numbers reached in the first three quarters of last year, a record year when the values reached 9.600 millon in real estate investment for that period.

If it kept following this rhythm until the end of the year, the Spanish tertiary real estate sector would reach around 11.300 millon euro in real estate investments, which would be a decrease of 6,6% from the data registered in 2017 (12.100 millon) and an increase of 1,5% from the data registered in 2016 (11.134 millon euro).

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