MIPIM 2019 will take place under the motto «Commit to the future»

MIPIM 2019 will take place under the motto «Commit to the future»


Inspired by more than 350 world class speakers and by amazing conferences, MIPIM 2019 will take place under the motto «Commit to the future», envisioning the next 30 years through the lens of «lasting» growth, a growth that allows stability.

MIPIM’s director, Ronan Vaspart, states that «we are at the last stage of a market cycle. Regardless of what may happen and of when it will happen, the moment has come to realign the future within the real estate sector; that is, to sow the seeds so that our industry can grow and blossom through the next cycle».

According to Vaspart, we are operating in a more complex and global scenario than ever. «We have enjoyed a long period of growth since 2018. The world’s population is increasing at more than 80 million people per year; our cities keep growing and are more and more connected, both digitally and through the connections offered by transport. Before any market correction, the players of the industry try to manage the risk and explore new types of investment. New market opportunities are coming up. However, it is essential to create a future of lasting growth, a growth which will allow social, economic and viable stability».

MIPIM’s director sustains that the economic and financial growth is one of the pillars for the creation of a lasting growth, along with a social and viable stability. «It is essential» - he says - «that we create an industry for the future, for future generations, instead of focusing only on the now».

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