LEED certification makes its way in Spain

LEED certification makes its way in Spain


These 228 LEED Certified buildings, at the end of December, are distributed according to the LEED classifications in: Platinum (39), Gold (134), Silver (39) Certificates (16). There are almost all types. The office buildings (137) lead the group followed by commercial (33), industrial (21) and data processing centers (8).

The forecasts of the Spain Green Building Council are that in Spain in 2018 will be exceeded the 650 registered buildings and the 290 LEED Certificates.

The most active REITs and SOCIMIs in LEED are: Merlin (112 registered / 22 certified buildings), Axiare (14/5), Blackstone (6/2) and KKH (3/0). On the other hand, the most active real estate companies in LEED are: Caledonian (9/0), GMP (8/3), Reale (8/1), Montepino (7/6), Colonial (6/5), Hines (6) / 2), Urbanitas (4/2) and Torre-Rioja (3/2).

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