Investment: "Portugal had a fantastic first quarter"

Investment: "Portugal had a fantastic first quarter"

Even as the Covid-19 pandemic spread, the country managed to reach an investment volume above 1.000 million euro during this year’s first three months. For the coming months, the Head of Portugal at Cushman & Wakefield predicts that «some transactions which were at advanced stages of negotiation will be concluded», but he recognizes that «other transactions were, in fact, postponed». Nevertheless, «there haven’t been any drops», he revealed.

Despite the investors’ «commitment», the consultant advances in its latest report issued this Monday, that there are operational problems which prevent them from following through with their businesses, such as physical inspections and the uncertainty about the assets’ performance in the coming months. The increase of risks associated with businesses of this type and the lower financing availability to conclude transactions, may «impact prices on all types of assets», revealed the consultant.

Investors prepare for recovery

The Portuguese economy’s good shape and the positive way the country is dealing with the pandemic seem to encourage investors who, according to the consultant, «want to resume their businesses as soon as the dust starts to settle».

On this point, Eric Van Leuven remarks that «Portugal clearly remains on the investors’ map». Many investors are already preparing for the recovery, especially those who have more capital», he revealed. That is why he considers that the response to the Covid-19 pandemic crisis will be «very different from the crisis that took place in 2011».

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