According to the report, out of the total investment, 84% occurred in Madrid, and the remaining 16% in Barcelona. The most active investors were the socimis, generating more than 50% of total market investment volume, although this was in just 16% of the number of transactions. From the latter can be highlighted the purchase of the Metrovacesa property portfolio by Merlin Properties, which represented 36% of total investment.
In respect of the initial profitability rate, in 2016 an important balance has been evident in the Business Districts of Madrid and Barcelona with historic minimums recorded. Initial profitability was between 3.5% and 7% depending on the quality, location and rental circumstances of the properties. In spite of the fact that rents ended the financial year far from their maximum, the levels which meet the yield have raised capital values in the Prime zones, in line with the historic maximums of the years 2007/2008, while the remaining zones still have some distance to go in respect of 2007 values.