Ibex 35 registers worst numbers in 5 years

Ibex 35 registers worst numbers in 5 years

Ibex35 - Graphic Collected from Madrid Stock Exchange

These numbers represent a 7.88% drop when compared to last Friday and 39.43% when compared to the 10.083 points registered on the 19th of February when a record high, not only of 2020, but of the last 12 months was reached. Until now, there was a slight recovery on the index this Tuesday – around 0.9%, reaching 6162 points.

The alarm felt in Spain with the new Coronavirus (Convid-19) pandemic is behind the drop in this index, which includes two of the main Spanish REITs: Colonial and Merlin Properties.

REIT Colonial saw the price of its shares fall to one third, having as reference the amount with which it closed at the end of last year, 11.36 euro per share. Merlin Properties, led by Ismael Clemente, also had a drop, but of 27%. This Monday the price per share was 9.29 euro.

This scenario together with the temporary closure of shopping centres also affected REIT Lar España. Its shares dropped 43.66%, between the end of last year and this Monday.

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