Housing prices increase 7% in Spain

Housing prices increase 7% in Spain

Regarding the number of transactions, at national level there were recorded 135,647, representing an increase of 15% year-on-year.

The data analyzed by Gesvalt show a sustained growth of the market, where the prices continue to rise trying to find its balance. However, there's a behavior different from the prices in accordance with zones and type of house, since the year-on-year climb of the m2 value in new houses is almost the double that for those with more than five years.

The rental maintains its upwards, reaching an average raise of 15% in Spain, this year. Generally speaking, the monthly installments are higher than the previous years.

María Enríquez, Director of Research Department at Gesvalt, claims that “ the data reveal that the real estate market is growing at a slow pace but steady, and this is a symptom of the greatest consolidation of the sector and the progressive recovery of trust in it, as demonstrates the continues growth of transactions”.

Sandra Daza, General Director of Gesvalt, indicates that “the price increase of housing is due to the optimistic perspective of investors, encouraged by improvements in the economy and supported by the strength of housing demand, existing in large part of Spanish territory”.

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