Haya launches «Projeto Marconi» for more than €188M

Haya launches «Projeto Marconi» for more than €188M


This portfolio includes several projects in Catalonia, Costal del Sol, in the Valencia Coast or Canary Islands and Madrid. 98% of the portfolio corresponds to finished work, incuding housing and garages, and 2% correspond to terrains, stores and industrial warehouses. According to the company, the average ticket for each of these loans is around 5.7 million euro.

The project is divided in two stages, one which is binding and one which is not binding, with the first stage starting in February and finishing in April, with the presentation of the binding offers and the closing of the operation.

Iván Fernández- Valdés, director of Advisory and Institutional Investment at Haya, states that «we keep growing and this project will help us to keep working so that Haya becomes a reference in the real estate market, improving the professionals’ daily work and the marketing of the loans we manage».

All the information concerning this portfolio can be found in the dedicated webpage.

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