Forum Barreiro is on the market

Forum Barreiro is on the market

The shopping centre is located at the Barreiro city centre and is part of a housing development composed of four housing blocks, in an old industrial area. It has 18.992 sqm and 90 shops.

JLL is Millennium bcp’s partner concerning the commercial strategy for this asset. During the first stage, a promotional brief will be prepared by both parties, which will be distributed to a few selected investors. The expectation is for the operation to be concluded until the end of the year.

Marlene Tavares, from the consultant, explains that «Forum Barreiro is located at the Barreiro city centre, which has a resident population of around 80 thousand inhabitants. The city is one of the areas South of Lisbon which has proven to be a natural extension of the capital through the growth of its population and its existing infrastructure. The city of Barreiro also has a strong potential for logistic development which may also create synergies and add value to Forum Barreiro».

Ramiro Gomes, in charge of sales at Grande Imóveis Sul branch of the Real Estate and Specialized Credit Directorate at Millennium bcp, explained to Público Imobiliário that the fact that this building is located in an area «with a strongly recovering local economy» justifies «the high expectation in attracting investors who believe in the growth potential of this important city located at the South bank of the river Tagus», be they national or international. 

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