Carlos Manzano is the new real state sector leader at Santander

Carlos Manzano is the new real state sector leader at Santander

Under his responsibility will be Altamira, real estate assets management’ platform from Santander, and Aliseda, the Popular real estate company, recently acquired to Värde Partners fund. In total, he’ll be responsible for a real estate portfolio with a current market value of ca. €3,000 million.

According to El Confidencial newspaper, the main aim of Manzano’ recruitment is the management of the assets portfolio inherited by Santander from the Popular, evaluated in €37,000M. One of the major challenges he will have to face is the relaunch of the Metrovacesa developer, where the Bank holds a participation of 70%.

Carlos Manzano was, until now, the Head of the property business from Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management, in Spain and Portugal. Furthermore, was also responsible for the management at Trajano, a Socimi invested by three major clients of the Deutsche bank, the Consentino family, the Alcaraz brothers (founders of Goldcar) and José Moya Sanabria, owner of Persan.

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