Canadian investor acquires the Vinçon building in Barcelona

Canadian investor acquires the Vinçon building in Barcelona

Imperio Fórum has acquired the residential division, a total of 2,000 m2, comprising 10 apartments and an attic divided into 6 sections.

The operation was carried out for a sum of   6.5 million euros, facilitated by Jordi Coma from the consultants Think Big Capital, and with financing from Caixabank. The renovation works are due to begin in the first trimester of 2017.

Six months ago, Marco Fabiani also bought a corner building with similar characteristics in the Eixample of Barcelona, for 5 million euros. The property is located in the Calle Sant Antoni Maria Claret, near the modern complex of the Hospital de Sant Pau, and the renovation of its 19 apartments, 2 attics and three commercial premises has begun. This operation has financing from the Banc Sabadell.

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