2017 consolidates the growth of real estate sector in Spain

2017 consolidates the growth of real estate sector in Spain

After verifying the positive evolution experienced in the sector during the previous cycles, this exercise is characterized by a new developmental and motivated phase, among other factors, by the recovery of national economy, This is one of the conclusions presented during V Jornada ACI “New social and business environment of the real estate”, organized by Real Estate Consulting Association (ACI), which occurred in Madrid.

According to Ricardo Martí-Fluxá, President of ACI and responsible for opening the day, “the real estate market is now one of the cornerstones of the economic development in Spain. The investment of the sector reached, during the first semester of this year, €6,100 million, 38% more than the numbers registered in the same period in 2016”. Besides, he has highlighted the importance of technological innovation and digitalization of new business models, a reality in the sector.

Benito Vázquez, CEO of Everis, analyzed as the new exponential technologies are revolutionizing the entrepreneurial landscape. “The qualifier «exponential» of this innovative technologies shall apply in all senses: time and market. In a few years, how we do business will change completely”.

On the other hand, the conference also had a round table chaired by Andrés Escarpenter, consultant at Altamira Asset Management, to which attended Mª José García Prat, director of real estate Cepsa, David Martínez García, coordinator of Comissió 22@ and Juan Velayos, consultant at Neinor Homes, to analyze the new strategies among the real estate world. The key findings underlines the change suffered by real estate developers, currently focused on adapting its product to the needs of the demand, through the input of added value rather than towards the management and transformation of land under development. The current challenge is to create a model adapted to the needs of the demand, introducing factors as important as sustainability, energy efficiency or domotics.

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