Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Eroski | Financial info from 2018

EROSKI emerged from consumer cooperativism in the mid 60s with the aim of achieving quality products at a good price and defending the rights of consumers. Since then, we have maintained our business strategy aligned with this goal thanks to integrating the needs and demands of consumers. With more than 80,000 workers, revenues of over 11,000 million euros and 266 companies and cooperatives, it constitutes one of the main references of cooperative activity worldwide. With a presence in the industrial, financial and distribution sectors, it also develops important initiatives in the field of knowledge and education.




Player Type
Qualified Investors
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Agustín Markaide Soraluce

Agustín Markaide Soraluce

Iñigo Eizagirre Illarramendi

Iñigo Eizagirre Illarramendi

Javier España Martín

Javier España Martín

Alberto Madariaga Pérez

Alberto Madariaga Pérez

Eva Ugarte Arregui

Eva Ugarte Arregui


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