Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Deutsche Bank | Financial info from 2018

Deutsche Bank is Germany’s leading bank, with a strong position in Europe and a significant presence in the Americas and Asia Pacific.

We provide banking services to companies, governments, institutional investors, small and medium-sized businesses and private individuals.

Against a backdrop of increasing globalization in the world economy, Deutsche Bank is very well-positioned, with significant regional diversification and substantial revenue streams from all the major regions of the world.

We have established strong bases in all major emerging markets, and therefore have good prospects for business growth in fast-growing economies, including the Asia Pacific region, Central and Eastern Europe, and Latin America.

In Europe, we are well placed to benefit from the aforementioned resilient conditions in our home market, Germany, and from continued strong levels of corporate activity in the euro zone.

Player Type
Qualified Investors
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Christian Sewing

Christian Sewing

Karl von Rohr

Karl von Rohr

Frank Kuhnke

Frank Kuhnke

Stuart Lewis

Stuart Lewis

Sylvie Matherat

Sylvie Matherat

James von Moltke

James von Moltke

Werner Steinmüller

Werner Steinmüller

Frank Strauß

Frank Strauß


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