Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Bloomberg

As of July 4, 2018, Axiare Patrimonio SOCIMI, S.A. was acquired by Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI, S.A.. Axiare Patrimonio SOCIMI, S.A. is listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange since July 9, 2014. The Company believes it benefits from its position as one of the first SOCIMIs established in the Spanish market, and from its management team’s large experience on the sector. The Company was established in order to invest in the Spanish real estate market based on a long-term business plan. It conforms a vehicle offering a high-yielding and unique opportunity for those investors who firmly believe in the recovery of the Spanish real estate sector. Axiare Patrimonio’s strategy is focused on creating value via the active management and repositioning of the property portfolio, with particular attention being paid to environmental sustainability. The Company’s investment activity is focused on the acquisition of Grade A office buildings, or that have the potential to be, in the city centres and most sought after business districts in Madrid and Barcelona, logistics platforms on the main distribution hubs and retail space in established areas in Spain.

Player Type
Last Quotation
Main Listed Market
Bolsa de Madrid
Number of Shares Issued
Free Float
10.0 %
Number of assets
Legal Domicile


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