Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Ageas and Bloomberg | Financial info released By Grupo Ageas Portugal | Real Estate Funds are included in GAV, but are not included in Number of Assets
Ageas, a leading partner in Insurance

Wherever Ageas operates around the world it does so with an important goal in mind: to provide customers with peace of mind when they need it most. As an insurer and "Supporter of your life" our role is to help customers at every stage of their life to mitigate risks related to property, casualty, life and pensions.

Ageas, together with its subsidiaries, engages in insurance business in Europe and Asia. It operates through Belgium, United Kingdom, Continental Europe, Asia, and Reinsurance segments. The company primarily offers property, casualty, and life insurance products, as well as pension products; and reinsurance products. Its life insurance products include risks related to the life and death of individuals; and non-life insurance products comprise accident and health, motor, fire, and other insurance products, as well as other damages to property covering the risk of property losses or claims liabilities. The company serves private individuals, as well as small, medium-sized, and large companies through independent brokers and the bank channels. Ageas was founded in 1824 and is based in Brussels, Belgium.

Player Type
Qualified Investors
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
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Jozef De Mey

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Christophe Boizard

Christophe Boizard

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Antonio Cano

Filip Coremans

Filip Coremans

Guy de Selliers de Moranville

Guy de Selliers de Moranville

Richard Jackson

Richard Jackson

Jane Murphy

Jane Murphy

Katleen Vandeweyer

Katleen Vandeweyer

Lionel Perl

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Lucrezia Reichlin

Lucrezia Reichlin

Jan Zegering Hadders

Jan Zegering Hadders

Yvonne Lang Ketterer

Yvonne Lang Ketterer

Sonali Chandmal

Sonali Chandmal


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