Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
Data collected from Lynx Asset Managers | Financial info from 2018

The LYNX Asset Managers is an independent management company, majority - owned by the management team. The total assets under management reach 500 million euros.

Founded in 2008, LYNX Asset Managers is dedicated to the management of Securities Investment Funds, overseen by Banco de Portugal (BdP) and the Securities Market Commission (CMVM). It is also dedicated to the management of Real Estate Investment Funds, Real Estate Investment Undertakings under the corporate form (SICAFI) and Venture Capital Funds.

The company bases its success on the competence of an experinced team and the spirit of innovation, which combines a strong, intelligent and non-conforming personality. We make strong commitments and strive to stay ahead of our time, facing the future with confidence.

Player Type
Assets Managers
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
João Araújo

João Araújo


António Aranha

António Aranha

Board Member

Guilherme Borba

Guilherme Borba

Board Member

João Lino de Castro

João Lino de Castro

Board Member

Pedro de Sousa Mendes

Pedro de Sousa Mendes

Board Member

Rita Neves

Rita Neves



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