Last updated: May 16, 2024, 11:06 a.m.
Information Released By WiderProperty

Widerproperty emerged 10 years ago, with a team with over 15 years of experience in the Portuguese real estate market with the aim of responding to a market need: the guarantee of a real estate property management company with an integrated and comprehensive strategy in its value chain, creating add-value to the owners of the assets.

We manage all kinds of properties and as a “one stop shop”, beginning in the investment, management and finishing with the divestment with capital gains. Widerproperty’s management is in accordance with international and auditing standards, as with ESG policies to provide an excellent service.

Widerproperty sees the Real Estate Servicing throughout the entire value chain, from Investment (Strategic Plans, Due Diligence and Profitability Projections), Property Management (On Going Management and Add-value for Owners), and Divestment (Investment Maturity to Exit Yield Maximization).

The ADN of our management requires that we manage our clients' assets as “owners”, personalizing services and maintaining a close relationship, maximizing the value of real estate and cash flows.

Widerproperty is committed to ESG-oriented management that enables sustained growth and medium and long-term appreciation of our corporate value and the assets it manages, promoting sustained growth in partnership with our communities, creating economic, social and environmental value.

With the experience and reliability acquired over the years, Widerproperty provides Real Estate Servicing, Property Management and Sustainability are part of our vocabulary and daily actions.

Player Type
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Ana Lúcia Guerra

Ana Lúcia Guerra

Luís Loureiro

Luís Loureiro

Luís Filipe Teixeira

Luís Filipe Teixeira


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