Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
Data Collected From | Financial Info From 2019

We are a real estate company specialized in the acquisition, refurbishment and sale of real estate properties in the cities of Barcelona and Madrid.

After more than 25 years of history, we have established a differential business model based on value creation in real estate transactions carried out with the prime objective of meeting the needs of our clients. The solutions we provide are aimed at adding value to real estate assets by transforming them and making the most of the opportunities presented by the market. To date, we have analyzed more than 7,000 buildings and executed around 1,500 transactions with a total investment of 2,500 million euros.

Player Type
Qualified Investors
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Luís Hernández de Cabanyes

Luís Hernández de Cabanyes


David Vila Balta

David Vila Balta

Vice-Chairman and CEO

José María Cervera

José María Cervera

Corporate General Manager

Alicia Lacarta

Alicia Lacarta

Director Juridico

María José Sendra

María José Sendra

Director Comercial Grandes Proyectos

Cristina López-Pinto

Cristina López-Pinto

Acquisition Director Barcelona

Toni Guarner

Toni Guarner

Expansion and International Operations Director

Luis Guardia

Luis Guardia

Commercial Assets Director

Jordi Farré

Jordi Farré

Architect - Technical Director

Cristina Sánchez

Cristina Sánchez

Marketing Director

Lurdes Ricart

Lurdes Ricart

Planning Director

Cristina Pijoan

Cristina Pijoan

General Secretary

Paula Cid

Paula Cid

Directora Financiera

José Mª del Pozo

José Mª del Pozo

Madrid Director

Alberto Pellejer

Alberto Pellejer

Singular Operations Director Madrid

Hugo Fernández

Hugo Fernández

Director Comercial Grandes Proyectos

Max Hernández

Max Hernández

Socimi Diretor

Jorge Sáinz de la Cuesta

Jorge Sáinz de la Cuesta

Investment Socimi Director


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