Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from Palm Capital

Palm Capital was founded by Reda Khatim, who developed his career at major private equity real estate firms and looked to create an innovative investment management platform. We manage over 2,500,000 sq.ft. of commercial real estate in the UK and Europe. We favour distressed and value add investments, primarily across the business space and urban logistics segments.

Palm Capital is a real estate private equity firm established in 2007. Our mission is to provide a superior, entrepreneurial investment management service. Investors and partners include global institutions, investment funds as well as large family offices. Our strong value-based investment discipline combines detailed data analysis with big picture thinking. Palm Capital's team has a broad multi asset class experience throughout Europe. We believe we can change the investment game and produce enhanced, tailored, sustainable risk-adjusted returns.

Player Type
Qualified Investors
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Luis Henríquez de Luna

Luis Henríquez de Luna

Adrián Romero-Amich

Adrián Romero-Amich

Reda Khatim

Reda Khatim

Martin Kandrac

Martin Kandrac

Peter Bax

Peter Bax

Tim Jones

Tim Jones

Nick Martin

Nick Martin

Gabriel Rudert

Gabriel Rudert


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