Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from NH Hotels | Financial info from 2018

The history of NH Hotel Group begins in 1978, when its first establishment opens its doors - the Ciudad de Pamplona hotel. Four years later, the chain moves beyond the region of Navarra and, with the incorporation of NH Calderón in Barcelona, takes its first steps into what would become just a decade later one of the first hotels chains in Spain, with establishments in Madrid, Barcelona and Zaragoza.

It was then, in 1988, that Corporación Financiera Reunida, S.A (COFIR) joined the company as a reference shareholder.

Player Type
Qualified Investors
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile
Ramón Aragonés

Ramón Aragonés


Beatriz Puente Ferreras

Beatriz Puente Ferreras

Executive Managing Director of Finance & Administration

Rufino Pérez Fernández

Rufino Pérez Fernández

Chief Operations Officer & Global Transformation Leader

Laia Lahoz

Laia Lahoz

Chief Assets & Development Officer

Isidoro Martínez de la Escalera

Isidoro Martínez de la Escalera

Chief Marketing Officer

Fernando Vives

Fernando Vives

Chief Commercial Officer

Fernando Córdova

Fernando Córdova

Chief People Officer

Carlos Ulecia

Carlos Ulecia

General Counsel


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