Last updated: June 1, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
Data collected from | Financial data is from Q1 2019

Commerz Real Group is part of the Commerzbank Group and has more than 46 years’ market experience and manages assets of approx. 31 billion euros. The company combines comprehensive know-how in asset management and a broad-based structuring expertise to deliver its signature range of services of fund products focused on tangibles and bespoke financing solutions. The fund spectrum includes the open-ended real estate fund hausInvest, institutional investment products as well as entrepreneurial participations in real estate, aircraft, regenerative energy and ships. In its role as leasing company of Commerzbank Group, Commerz Real offers tailored equipment leasing concepts along with bespoke financing arrangements for assets such as real estate, big-ticket equipment and infrastructure projects. 


Player Type
Assets Managers
Net earnings
Main Listed Market
Free Float
Number of assets
Legal Domicile


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